Growing Your Groups Ministry Despite the Pandemic

Growing Your Groups Ministry Despite the Pandemic

When the Covid crisis hit, every church made the pivot to online everything: online worship, online groups, online prayer. And while online services have primarily hit their stride (if your online worship is tanking, read this), small group ministries have struggled...
Planning Now For 2021

Planning Now For 2021

Church Revitalization Podcast – Episode 54 Too many churches have responded to what 2020 has thrown at them with paralyzation. Deer in headlights come to mind. In the line of sight of a threat, no action. It’s certain death! Those headlights are masking a...
A Time For Choosing Vision Instead Of Egypt

A Time For Choosing Vision Instead Of Egypt

Church Revitalization Podcast – Episode 53 The Lord never wastes time.  He may take up time, more than we would wish for, but He is always moving forward with His vision for His people and His Church.  The last 40 years of Moses’ life were spent living out God’s...
Overcoming Ministry Fatigue

Overcoming Ministry Fatigue

Church Revitalization Podcast – Episode 52 Pastors are struggling with exhaustion, frustration, and overwhelm. It feels like you are fighting a battle you cannot win, and for every two steps you take forward, 2020 knocks you back three steps. Recent news stories...
Five Ways to Boost Your Online Engagement

Five Ways to Boost Your Online Engagement

Church Revitalization Podcast – Episode 51 In this episode of the podcast, we’re sharing the webinar we presented on boosting online engagement. You can watch the video of the full webinar on YouTube, stream the podcast audio below, or subscribe. March 15,...
Decluttering Your Ministry Garage

Decluttering Your Ministry Garage

The greatest barrier to making disciples is a lack of intentionality in our ministry. Given time, churches accumulate ministries and programs. It’s inevitable. Pastor John from thirty years ago started the gospel quartet. They perform once a year on a Sunday and...