3 Communication Tips to Retain Volunteers

3 Communication Tips to Retain Volunteers

The Church Revitalization Podcast – Episode 116 Is your church currently able to retain volunteers well? Losing a volunteer is the worst. Given how hard it is to recruit new folks, whenever someone steps away from the ministry, it can leave a huge gap. Retaining...
Clarity Drives Ministry

Clarity Drives Ministry

Church Revitalization Podcast – Episode 68 Want to see greater clarity in your ministry, a more productive staff, and an increased impact?  Communicate clearly. Lack of clarity in communication to ministry leaders delays effective church ministry.  As...
Developing a Virtual Guest Assimilation Process

Developing a Virtual Guest Assimilation Process

Are you ready for the hundreds of Easter guests that will “attend” your church online this weekend? Do you have a clear plan for following up with them? Are you confident you can connect them into the life of your church beyond streaming your services on...
Building a Virtual Small Groups Strategy

Building a Virtual Small Groups Strategy

All of us want to be known and loved. The COVID-19 crisis has exposed humanity’s deep need for relational connection. Now more than ever, your church’s success will be defined by the depth of the relationships you can build–not by the quality of your...